Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Multilevel Single Stage Surgery For Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Snoring is a common condition worldwide that can affect any individual. But often people fail to notice that it might even lead to more severe life-threating problems apart from annoying their partners if left untreated. Sometimes it can also be caused due to a critical condition known as sleep apnea. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a condition in which an individual's airway will be obstructed, causing breathing trouble during sleep. It creates a disturbance in the individual's sleep pattern as they have to wake up in between to start breathing again.

There are many over the counter medications available to cure snoring that are often ineffective. It is always better to consult a specialist who can accurately pinpoint the main reasons for the problem and suggest appropriate, effective methods to solve the condition. For mild forms of snoring, the doctor can suggest nasal sprays, steroid injections, or dental appliances. In case of severe snoring where the conventional methods are deemed to be ineffective, then surgery is the only option to be considered.

In surgery, the specialist will try to identify and correct the respiratory parts that are causing the snoring. The respiratory parts that need to be fixed to stop snoring include the nose, tongue, palate, and the bones of the face, neck, and jaw.

Previously separate surgeries were performed for obstructive sleep apnea treatment. But thanks to the latest technology and advanced research studies, Now it is possible to treat the condition by just performing a multilevel single stage surgery.

What is Multilevel Surgery?

Different sleep studies have identified that nose and soft palate play a pivotal role in causing the breathing obstruction in patients suffering from sleep apnea. Rather than treating both the conditions differently, it is now possible to resolve both the issues just by performing a single stage procedure.

In this procedure, the surgeon makes use of the latest technique known as Barbed reposition Pharyngoplasty, while correcting the nasal and retropalatal obstructions in the patients.BARB sutures help to treat the soft palate condition without excising much of the tissue while the nasal component is treated with suitable procedure depending on the deformity.

The nasal surgeries, along with BRP, can provide effective and promising results to the patients. It not only solves the problem but also helps cut down the patient's multiple visits to the hospital and is also a cost-effective procedure.

It requires a highly experienced and specialized surgeon to correctly identify the problem and perform the procedure with effective results.

If you are vexed by Sleep apnea, Snoring problem and want to eliminate it with a single surgery, contact Dr Shailesh Pandey at AUM ENT Clinic for sleep apnea snoring treatment. A highly skilled ENT specialist who has unparalleled experience in treating sleep-related disorders.

For appointment: 
Call us on 022 40032116